Why subscribe to 100 Readers?

Writers need readers. Let’s build a human recommendation engine that drives 100 Readers to underappreciated online content.

Problem: Extraordinary content that receives almost no views, attention or discussion. 

Solution: 100 Readers, a collective of people who agree to read and shower attention on selected short fiction and nonfiction.

What will you get?

Subscribe to this forever-free email newsletter and you will receive:

  1. Two emails a month — each containing a link to the recommended reading.

  2. An open invitation to recommend short works of fiction and nonfiction that need 100 Readers. Learn how to recommend a piece for a spot on our reading calendar.

Be part of a reading revolution

Thousands of new pieces are published every month, but how does anyone decide what to read? Together, we can shake the trees and lavish attention on new writing and new writers that deserve to be read.

Subscribe to 100 Readers

A collective of readers who shower attention on underappreciated online fiction and nonfiction